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Saturday, July 23, 2011

When you awake what do you see? What do you feel?



BUzzzzz BUzzzzz BUzzzzz!

We all hear similar things when we wake up. For myself I hear the tune of "Red Red Wine" by none other than UB40 the sensational '80's pop reggae group. I grew up hearing that song on the radio of the car riding around with my mother as I was the youngest and for quite a bit...had no choice but to be by her side. Hah how I would give everything to be there again right now. We all hear different things when awake. The alarm, the neighborhood kids in the pool, the garbage truck, the birds or even the sound of our own voice.

I'm not here to discuss what you hear when you rise each and every day. I am here to discuss what you SEE every day and what you FEEL. You see I feel such a magnetic draw that I'm under the impression only time will give in and I will have no other choice but to become clung. The Lord sends me messages every day. I
 wake up every day and see the same  person. However, the day effects how I see myself. Iam forever adapting to the world around me. We must always adapt. We must always change. To survive is to change.


Do we want to change? Do we want to survive? Do we want to see our grand kids graduate high school? You see people to live is to utterly defy ALL which is thrown in our path: Defeat and Death. Though I may be a free man I feel as though Iam bound to our world by the chains of gravity. If YOU had to spend the rest of your existence bound by the same chains would you not FIGHT to set yourself free? I WOULD.

By fighting those chains we only become stronger. Ready for the next fight. Only a few of us have had the exceptional experience of escaping these chains. SO! Own up! Stand up! and fight for your strength! Do not be bound by the chains of gravity, the policies of food system conglomerates, Governments, Local municipalities or simply your "known" lifestyle! We are responsible for our own actions in the end.

And the end will come folks. It will be up to no one other than ourselves to make the decision to make a change. Eat less and move more!

Use gravity to your advantage! Become stronger by using the very force that imprisons you!

What do I see every day I wake up? I see someone fully capable of making these changes and capable of helping others to do the same. I FEEL that I must! I must move forth in life and attack that which bears down upon us all! DEATH. Will I ever be immortal? Nope. However, if I die without fighting it i never lived. You see to never fight that which controls is never living in my book.

Rise up. Join me. Let's defeat this beast as one.

@RADFitness on Twitter

To be continued...

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