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Engage the core!
The Multi-Vitamin......But Why?!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fettered to the surface of planet Earth we must use gravity to our advantage!

Like a dog on a leash, Edmund Dauntes to Château d'If or a boat to a dock we are fettered to this land by the chains of gravity. We have sought, fought and succeeded at untethering ourselves from the invisible imprisonment that holds us here. However we must always come back down :)

What goes up MUST come down.

Knowing this can frustrate many. Let not your heart be troubled though my friends for there is always a solution and simple optimism can fix a saddened soul (Jesus the cornieness is overwhelming lol). Instead of  allowing the force of gravity to bog you down use it's own force to strengthen yourself! Being healthy and fit requires more than purchasing a conveinient take home dvd and bouncing around your living room (although its a fantastic start), buying a bottle of fat burners or buying the "salad" at McDonald's. Being healthy and fit requires an entire lifestyle change. You must evaluate your entire life: Daily routine, routines of family members/loved ones, DIET, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and your goals in and out of the gym. If you seriously want results you must approach the process of accomplishing the intended outcome seriously. You wouldn't gaff off a project at work would you? Because you know an unsatisfactory outcome may result in your termination right?

Well an unsatisfactory lifestyle in regards to diet and exercise may result in your termination........

So the question is why not take it seriously?

Ok so you want to take it seriously? Well here in this post I have some older videos of some exercises that will surely lead to your success. Do these at your own risk. They are not for fat bodies. They are not for the average.

I give you:  Man Ups

Begin by grasping an overhead pull-up bar with a grip at the bend in the bar and hang. Then, while ensuring your core is engaged, legs together and toes pointed down raise your legs as one unit up and towards the chest. You should see your ankles at about your face level. Then in one smooth motion push your toes towards the heavens upward until your abdomen is about at the same level as your hand grip. Once at the top "Fan" your legs downward slowly to the start position. Congratulations you just completed one repetition of a Man Up!

Here my brother Marco Buehler demonstrates: 

If the Man Up is too much for you then there is a simple solution to engage your core and strengthen it to the point where a Man Up can be done easily.

Dragon Abs

Begin by lying on your back on a flat bench with your shoulders positioned at about the 3/4 mark. Grasp the bench to allow you better leverage. You'll see why. Legs together, toes pointed out, core engaged. Now raise your entire body as one to the point where your legs are completely vertical and your upper torso is literally forming the supporting base. Then, slowly "Fan" your body/legs downward to the start position THEN "Fan" back up to the vertical position. You should be able to do 5 slow and controlled repetitions of these before you attempt a Man Up.

Here my Bro Marco Buehler will demonstrate a few reps of Dragon Abs:

The Standing Dumbbell EZ-Bar Curl in two variations. (Close grip and Wide grip):

Stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Whenever you execute a biceps curl you MUST ensure your elbows remain at your side and do not move forward or backward. This will guarantee that the majority of the force generation and contraction occurs in your biceps. Not the the Deltoid (Shoulder). With elbows in tight raise the weight keeping your wrists straight to almost if not to chest level. Keep your core tight and lower the weight back down to the starting position making sure your entire movement is slow and controlled.Your grip wont matter save for personal preference. Changing the grip will not affect muscle recruitment on the two heads of the biceps because of the "All or none" principle.

Here in both videos I will demonstrate the two grips:

Stay Fit!

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