Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
Engage the core!
The Multi-Vitamin......But Why?!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Get up! Get out! Get fit and change your life forever!

Photo courtesy of
Hello and welcome to RAD Fitness! I started this blog with the hopes of bringing my perspective on health and fitness to your computer screen and life. I’d like for it to serve as a database of knowledge if you will. Some of my ambitions will include:

-Videos (workouts/how to use certain fitness equipment)
-Diets and nutrition information
-Discussion of “myths” that are rampant in this industry/lifestyle
-Supplementation advice as well as a host of other things that will slowly be introduced.

It would be my pleasure to get at least one post a week added. However, working two jobs leaves me with little free-time so be patient. I will get done what I can.

Growing up my brothers and I had video game systems. We had cable t.v. fully stocked with MTV, VH1 and all that jazz. We snacked, pilfered and plundered our way through the family pantry every single day. Hey! We were growing boys! We had our fair share of issues as any family does but we always had home cooked meals cooked for us by our wonderful Mother. We were encouraged if not TOLD to go outside and play. We were always in sports or doing some sort of physical activity outside. I think that’s crucial!
We must always be on the move! As humans we adapt exceptionally well to the environment in which we live. For thousands of years we had to be nomadic to follow the wild game and ride the ebb and flow of the changing seasons. If getting fit, eating right and improving your overall health is a goal for you then do it! You have only your precious time here on earth to lose if you do not. It would be an added boon to my life to know I can help those that seek better health, living and physical fitness.

I don’t want to get too carried away with this post as I only intend it to be a “hello” post.

Stay tuned!

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