Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
Engage the core!
The Multi-Vitamin......But Why?!

Friday, February 18, 2011

RADFitness has decsended upon Twitter and YouTube!

RADFitness has expanded our social media reach to Twitter and YouTube in an effort to increase the size of our audience and maximize our viewing potential. By tapping into various portals of communication we only benefit from the imminent growth as a result. So if you tweet or tube, do us a favor and...

...follow us on Twitter @RADFitness and YouTube radfitnessblog!

Stay Fit!

ACSM CPT exam, there's a bounty on your head that I intend to claim.

I firmly believe that anytime a person is faced with a situation that sparks the beginning of the rest of their life nothing can effect their trek towards absolute success. I find my ship soaring through the wind across vast oceans at the very whims of Mother Nature herself. In this thought I have comfort for I know I will go where my heart leads me, my brain sees me and my soul redeems me. As a member of that very nature I embark on a fast, chaotic study schedule to eventually take and pass the ACSM CPT Exam.

I will keep you as up to date as possible concerning the progress of the Certification process.

Stay Fit!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Let's see it! Product review: Jack3d™ Pre-Workout by USPlabs.

Product Review 2/7/2011
Jack3d™ by USPlabs
Pre-Workout Supplement 

I would like to point out that I'm neither a chemist nor any kind of scientist or doctor and my "advice" should be taken as a mere suggestion and not a prescription or command. I take no responsibility for any harm taken from using any product(s) I recommend.

It's time to get Jack3d™!!!

It only takes a few seconds at your local vitamin/supplement store to realize there are quite a few Pre-Workout products out there! Which ones do this? Which ones have "Ephedra" in them? Will they give me a heart attack? Legitimate questions! There are plenty of horror stories out there concerning these products. With this post we will turn the spotlight onto one of these Pre-Workout supplements:  
Jack3d™ by USPlabs. 

Taken from

"It all started in Texas during the mid 1990’s, when then Texas A & M Nutrition student, Jacob Geissler began a comprehensive study of the world’s natural herbal compounds. Later, with the assistance of some top sports scientists, Jacob began a mission to get it right. Unhappy with current nutritional supplements, the group was searching for safe, natural compounds that would improve performance, appearance and everyday life. The discoveries were amazing. Techniques such as HPLC and Bio-Assayed Extraction revealed previously undiscovered scientific breakthroughs!..."

Jack3d™ is definitely popular. As an employee of a local Vitamin/Supplement store I can attest to it's popularity just by how fast it flies off the shelf.USPlabs is also a reputable company having established a firm hold in the supplements industry.

Since you know Iam not a scientist and certainly not a doctor I will refrain from breaking down the individual ingredients one by one and simply focus on one in particular: 1,3-Dimethylamylamine or DMAA.

Hey athletes In 2009, the World Anti-Doping Agency added methylhexanamine (DMAA) to the 2010 prohibited list. So thats not good for anyone being tested for PED's.

 It's generally an OTC stimulant/thermogenic similar to adrenaline. Side effects have been reported to include but not limited to: Headache, Nausea and Stroke. Sheesh. It's also a vasoconstrictor and will contribute to dehydration. So, weigh the risks with the effects. Taking it will definitely get you amped up and give you a focused "high" so to speak. However, if the cons out weigh the pros do some jumping jacks for energy.

I personally like  Jack3d™. I have been experimenting with several Pre-Workout supplements. 5-6-7am workouts can be a bit demanding when you work two jobs and 70+ hours a week. I sometimes have to rely on a Pre-Workout just to get my a** to the gym! Heh. Lemon Lime so far has been my flavor of choice. I'll usually take 2-3 scoops about an hour before gym time. Look folks you should already be staying properly hydrated but if you choose to run a Pre-Workout hydration is a must as just about every P/W supp out there has caffeine in it. 

Jack3d™ is a go for me and I would recommend it to anyone interested in possibly trying Pre-Workout supplements. Always follow directions carefully and consume your H2O!!

Stay Fit!


If you have any corrections, suggestions or questions please email me at 

The Shoulder Shrug and why so many of you seem to "roll" away from good form.


Ahhh the good ole Shoulder Shrug. Whether with dumbbells, barbell, kettle bells, cable, smith shrug machine or whatever your means, it seems like more and more of you tend to just "roll" along through the movement. For this example we'll look at the dumbbell shrug. Here I will demonstrate how a properly executed Shoulder Shrug should look:

Preparation: Stand holding dumbbells to sides.

Execution: Elevate shoulders as high and as straight as possible. Lower and repeat. 

A good rule of thumb is to try and smash your shoulders into your ears. Haha.

It's actually such a simple exercise and movement that I believe most people feel they have to add something to it as if they aren't sufficiently being trained for the upper trapezius muscle. It makes sense to feel the need to add something to it. However, you DO NOT need to. In fact you should try to avoid this altogether as you could expose yourself to injury. Straight up and down movement is ideal as this will maximize your resistance to gravity. It is only necessary to raise and lower the shoulders during this exercise. Remember weight moves perpendicular to gravity!

I truly hope this helps! Sometime later this week when I have the time I'll post a video of a properly executed Shrug and an improperly executed one.

Stay Fit!


If you have any corrections, suggestions or questions please email me at